This should come naturally. Why am I struggling to cope with motherhood?
This workshop considers Matrescence - the idea that motherhood is a process which requires us to evolve and integrate huge shifts in identity.
We will reflect on the physical - emotional - social - cultural - changes that come with having children. Honouring the tension between celebrating what is gained and grieving for what is lost.
This workshop will enable you to:
- Reframe mothering as a process that is not innate or instinctual
- Understand why you may feel lost in motherhood
- Explore ways to integrate old and new aspects of your identity
- Leave with a sense of hope and possibility, and a knowledge that you are not alone in feeling this way
What you'll get:
- Workshop recording (2 hours)
- Includes a mix of theoretical content, self reflection exercises and group discussion
- Split into 4 modules for ease of viewing (like a mini course)
- Learning journal to accompany workshop